{SMVC Logo}

Hon. Secretary: Mr.Colin Hughes.

Secretary 2004/2005

Colin joined the SMVC in 1995, and apart from a short period in 1997 when working in Croydon, has been an active member in the 'Bass' department.

During the Choir year 2002/3, Colin was the Vice President - moving to the role of President in October 2003.

In the same year, and after many years as Secretary of the Choir, Alan Blevins and his wife Doreen finally decided to move back to their home County of Northumberland. Alan was a great loss to the Choir, having been the major 'mover and shaker' in arranging and organising several public concerts. This included one held in Stockport Town Hall in 2001 to celebrate Mrs Betty Buckley's 25 years as musical director of the SMVC. Alan was also heavily involved in a number of other public concerts given by the SMVC and other local MVC's in aid of local Charities.

Following Alan's departure, Colin was 'persuaded' to also act as Secretary to the SMVC, as he was one of the few members of the Choir that had a PC!

Updated Nov. 2005
